9 Recommended Fruits For Weight Loss
Recommended Fruits for Diets
Basically, all types of fruits contain various nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals that are good to consume, including when on a diet. However, there are several types of fruit that are more recommended as a daily food menu while on a healthy diet program, including the following.
1. Apples
The first recommended fruit for diets is apples. The reason is, apples contain high pectin compounds, which are soluble fiber that can provide a longer satiety effect so that it can help control appetite while on a diet.
Apples are also low in calories so they are good to consume when implementing a calorie deficit that can optimize a diet program. To get the optimal benefits, apples need to be consumed with their skin. Because, apple skin has a fairly high vitamin and fiber content.
2. Guava
The next recommended fruit for a good diet is guava. Similar to apples, guava also has a low calorie content but is rich in fiber. In addition, guava also contains high vitamin C so it can help speed up the process of burning fat in the body.
3. Banana
In general, bananas do contain calories that tend to be high when compared to other types of fruit. However, this yellow fruit also has a high fiber content so it can provide a full effect for longer when consumed. In fact, bananas also have a low glycemic index so they are safe for consumption for diabetics.
4. Orange
Oranges are also one of the recommended fruits for a diet because they are rich in vitamin C and fiber. Therefore, consuming oranges is highly recommended to help provide a full effect for longer. One type of orange that is good for a diet is grapefruit. Reported from the Indonesian Food Composition Data, 100 grams of fresh grapefruit contains various nutrients that can help optimize diet programs, such as:
- Fiber: 0.8 grams.
- Potassium: 366 milligrams.
- Copper: 171.25 milligrams.
- Vitamin C: 43 milligrams.
- Phosphorus: 27 milligrams.
- Calcium: 23 milligrams.
- Sodium: 21 milligrams.
- Iron: 0.5 milligrams.
- Beta-carotene: 33 micrograms.
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5. Pears
Pears are known to contain high fiber but low calories so they are suitable as a food menu for losing weight. Consuming 3 pears every day is believed to control appetite so that it can help limit calorie intake during a diet. Similar to apples, pears should be consumed directly with their skin in order to obtain optimal benefits.
6. Avocado
The next recommended fruit for a diet is avocado. Avocado is enriched with monounsaturated fatty acids that can help reduce hunger and provide a longer feeling of fullness. The way to consume avocado for a diet menu is also quite practical, namely it can be consumed directly or used as a basic ingredient for salad. However, when processing avocado for a diet, you should avoid adding other ingredients that are high in calories, such as sweetened condensed milk or sugar.
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7. Melon
Melon is recommended as a good fruit to consume while on a diet because it has a high water content. In addition, melon is also enriched with fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants that can help reduce excess weight while maintaining ideal body weight so that it remains stable.
8. Kiwi
Kiwi fruit is one type of fruit that contains various beneficial nutrients, such as fiber, vitamin C, vitamin E, and folic acid which can help reduce weight so it is good to consume while on a diet program.
In addition, consuming kiwi fruit in moderation is also known to maintain digestive tract health while controlling blood pressure in the body. Kiwi fruit can be consumed directly or can also be processed into smoothies, juices, or used as a base ingredient for fruit salad along with other fruits, such as avocados, apples, and pears.
9. Berries
Berries are known to contain high fiber so they can provide a feeling of fullness for longer when consumed. Not only that, berries are also efficacious in helping to lower cholesterol levels, control blood pressure, and relieve inflammation in the body. To consume them, berries can be used as a topping for cereal or yogurt.
Those are the recommended fruits for a diet that can help you lose weight optimally. Before consuming the foods above, it is a good idea to consult a doctor first to get advice on food intake that suits your body condition.
The reason is, some individuals with certain medical conditions may be advised to limit certain types of food to avoid the risk of health problems that can interfere with daily activities. In this case, you can consult a doctor.
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